Reaching for the stars, one step at a time

If you build a new house, you shall make a fence for your roof. (Devarim 22:8) This Mitzvah seems pretty straightforward. Flat roofs were common and people used their roofs in various ways. In such a case, it is an obligation to build a fence so that no one...

Loan Forgiveness

President Biden has announced a plan to reduce and, in some cases, totally forgive student loans. Now, without getting into the politics of this decision as a government policy instituted in this way, it’s worth noting, as Jews, that this very week’s Torah portion...

The Self Made Man

How do you become a self made man? Is it all about personal motivation and always striving forward? Is it about having a goal that you constantly focus on? The rags to riches story captures our imagination. We want to hear stories about visionaries who have made their...

Keeping it Fresh

By my count, I have said the weekday Shemoneh Esrei prayer more than 45,000 times. That is FORTY FIVE THOUSAND TIMES. I know it by heart and can recite this very long prayer without paying attention. Therein lies the problem. I should be concentrating on the words and...

Free Falling

Have you ever done a trust fall? It’s when you stand straight up with your eyes closed. Then while still in standing position you lean back slowly until you fall backwards. Then you trust that your friend(s) just behind you catch you before you plummet to the...