A Better Nepotism

If you could be the Prime Minister, would you do it?  What would you do with your new power?  Would you leverage your situation to ensure that your family also got similar positions? When Joseph invited his family down to Egypt, Pharaoh heard about it and...

Overcoming Hardships

Dvar Torah by Rabbi Michael Altonaga Does it feel impossible to live life right now? Nothing is the way it used to be.  The way you work, go to school, and even how you go shopping is a more difficult experience now.  By simply going out in public, you may be risking...

Shofar Basics Guide

This Rosh Hashanah, some of us will not be able to go to synagogue for safety reasons. Some people will blow shofar for themselves for the first time, while others may hear it in the park or other unusual locations. With that in mind, in lieu of the usual blog post, I...