by Elisha Guberman | Feb 13, 2025 | Elisha Guberman, Israel, Weekly Parsha, Yisro
Imagine walking into a store and seeing a beautiful suit on display. It looks perfect, just your style, and you wish you could have it. But what if you had to buy the entire wardrobe—every shirt, every pair of shoes, even the things you don’t like—just to get that one...
by Rabbi Shaps | Feb 1, 2024 | Honouring Parents, Weekly Parsha, Yisro
This Dvar Torah is dedicated to my mother Pearl Shaps – Pesel Bas Chaim Yehuda, who passed away last week at the age of 95. She died in her own home, the same one we grew up in, insisting that she did not want to move and that she did not want an aide. It is...
by Rabbi Altonaga | Jan 21, 2022 | Rabbi Michael Altonaga, Weekly Parsha, Yisro
What is the single most important event in Jewish history? The event that changed the character of everything we carried out from that day forward? The event that gave birth to the most published book in human history? The Revelation at Sinai. It was the only time...