The Best Fitting Suit

Imagine walking into a store and seeing a beautiful suit on display. It looks perfect, just your style, and you wish you could have it. But what if you had to buy the entire wardrobe—every shirt, every pair of shoes, even the things you don’t like—just to get that one...

Lessons from the Manna

The phrase “Manna from Heaven” is often used to describe an unexpected gift or a sudden stroke of good fortune. But is that truly what Manna was? In reality, the Manna provided to the Jewish people in the desert was not just a one-time gift; it was a daily...

Matzah Balls and Questions

I’ve always held warm memories of my childhood Passover Seders. My family would drive to New York before the holiday, and grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins gathered at a big table. My Bubby’s homemade matzah balls, lots of singing and laughter, and that sense...