The Eternal Sukkah

Moishe is driving in Jerusalem. He’s late for a meeting and looking for a parking space but can’t find one. In desperation, he turns his face upwards and says, “Lord, if you find me a parking space, I promise that I’ll eat...

Keeping it Fresh

By my count, I have said the weekday Shemoneh Esrei prayer more than 45,000 times. That is FORTY FIVE THOUSAND TIMES. I know it by heart and can recite this very long prayer without paying attention. Therein lies the problem. I should be concentrating on the words and...

Your Thoughts Can Count

They say it is the thought that counts. Generally, we understand this to mean that I had good intentions even though things didn’t work out as planned so don’t hold it against me that something negative happened to you. I meant well. In this week’s Torah reading...