The Best Fitting Suit

Imagine walking into a store and seeing a beautiful suit on display. It looks perfect, just your style, and you wish you could have it. But what if you had to buy the entire wardrobe—every shirt, every pair of shoes, even the things you don’t like—just to get that one...

Counting Sheep

The word that is mentioned maybe more than any other in this Parsha is Sheep. Sheep symbolize livelihood and blessing, as Yaakov begins his journey penniless but, through his diligence and reliance on God, transforms Lavan’s meager flocks into a source of immense...

The Gazan Mabul

In Parshat Noach, we encounter a world consumed by “chamas” – a society overcome by violence and corruption, where people exploited and harmed each other without remorse. The situation had become so dire that Hashem brought the mabul, a flood intended to cleanse...

Hashem’s Favourites

In Parshat Ekev, Moshe continues to exhort Bnei Israel to follow Hashem’s commandments as they prepare to enter the Land of Israel. One key Pasuk in this parsha is (Devarim 8:10) “You will eat and be satisfied, and you shall bless Hashem your God for the good...