Is That It?

Shavuos. The most important holiday that nobody has ever heard of. Shavuos has a bit of middle child syndrome going on. It’s between the much longer holidays of Passover and Succos, and it certainly gets less fanfare than Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. There...

Count Your Blessings in Disguise

If you have been to Israel lately you know that it is full of hustle and bustle and the landscape is beautiful with trees and many fields full of all types of crops. Yet, it was not always that way. In 1867, Mark Twain took a trip to the Holy Land. He later reported...

Passover Cleaning…

In the weeks leading up to Passover, (and sometimes starting right after Purim) my groups on Facebook and WhatsApp are full of jokes, memes, and tales bemoaning the task of cleaning for the holiday. There are a few reasons for this. Some have to do with feeling...

The Power of Regret

Heard about a good political scandal lately? Unfortunately, there is no shortage ofexamples. If we look at many of these situations, I would suggest that in most cases, ifthe individual had come out right away on his own and said “I was wrong”, the scandalwould have...

Death and Taxes

Nothing is certain but death and taxes. If you thought this idiom applied to you but not your ancestors, look no further than this week’s Torah portion to see otherwise. This they shall give, everyone who goes through the counting: half a shekel according to the...

Why We Wear Masks

Ah Purim. There is nothing quite like seeing the most respectable members of your community dressed up like ninjas and pirates. But why? I understand having a fun thing for kids to do to get them excited for the holiday, but why are Torah scholars, who work so hard to...