Words and Wind

You told him you’d go volunteer at the food bank together today, but you just don’t feel like going out anymore.  Does it really matter if you just don’t show up?  Just because you said it, doesn’t mean you have a real obligation to do it, right? Words are...

Donkeys Know Nothing About Gazpacho

“Donkeys know nothing about Gazpacho” is my attempt to translate an old Arabic saying I learned from my first-year Yeshiva Rabbi. It illustrates a situation where someone or something is unable to comprehend higher knowledge, using donkeys humorously to...

Unity is Divine

We have just concluded the holiday of Shavuos, where we commemorated and celebrated the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai where the Jewish people stood as one to receive the Torah. As we transition quickly into Shabbos, we will read Parsha Naso which describes some...