by Rabbi Shaps | Jul 30, 2020 | Rabbi Zischa Shaps, Weekly Parsha
Parshas Devarim D’var Torah by Rabbi Zischa Shaps The story is told that Napoleon was passing a synagogue on Tisha B’Av and heard thesound of wailing and crying from within. After inquiring about the cause for theirmourning and hearing that it was the destruction of...
by Rabbi Altonaga | Jul 10, 2020 | Rabbi Michael Altonaga, Weekly Parsha
Are you more or less in favour of your leaders after the events of 2020? During the Corana Virus outbreak and subsequent quarantine many world leaders have enjoyed a significant increase in their popularity, while others have seen a noticeable decline. Times of...
by Rabbi Altonaga | Jul 10, 2020 | Rabbi Kasriel Gewirtzman, Weekly Parsha
D’var Torah by Rabbi Kasriel Gewirtzman Bamidbar, 22:28: “And HaShem opened the mouth of the she-donkey and it saidto Bilaam, ‘What have I done to you that you struck me these three times (regalim)”. Rashi, 22:28, “It alluded to him, ‘you are trying to uproot the...
by Rabbi Altonaga | Jun 24, 2020 | Parasha, Rabbi Michael Altonaga
What do you hope happens to your worst enemy? Moses has an enemy in this week’s Torah portion: Korach. Korach attempts to take Moses’ position within the Jewish people. Rivalry is one thing, but Korach also slanders Moses to get what he...
by Rabbi Altonaga | Jun 11, 2020 | Parasha, Rabbi Michael Altonaga
2020 is so hard because… Is it easy for you to complete that sentence? There have been a number of new and exceptional challenges that we have faced in the past year, some that may even be unique to our generation. The Jews in this week’s Torah...
by Rabbi Altonaga | Jun 11, 2020 | Parasha, Rabbi Zischa Shaps
Parshat NasoD’var Torah by Rabbi Zischa Shaps If your children have gone to school, you are probably familiar with thedebates over the pros and cons of school uniforms. Uniformity vs.individuality. How can a child express his/her unique personality if they haveto wear...
by Rabbi Altonaga | Jun 4, 2020 | Parasha, Rabbi Michael Altonaga
The past couple weeks have a lot to teach us about piece. Or was it peas? Or maybe peace? Man, this is why I failed 3rd grade spelling. Today, we’re going to talk about how to make piece. See, there are two types of people in the world...
by Rabbi Altonaga | May 26, 2020 | Rabbi Michael Altonaga
Shavuos. The most important holiday that nobody has ever heard of. Shavuos has a bit of middle child syndrome going on. It’s between the much longer holidays of Passover and Succos, and it certainly gets less fanfare than Rosh Hashanah and Yom...
by Rabbi Altonaga | May 20, 2020 | Weekly Parsha
One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic.Joseph Stalin A poignant and chilling statement (especially given the source). Yet, it’s hard to debate his point as we calmly analyze charts and figures about COVID 19 death rates by country. Our hearts move into...
by Rabbi Altonaga | May 20, 2020 | Rabbi Kasriel Gewirtzman, Weekly Parsha
D’var Torah by Kasriel Gewritzman Vayikra, 26:42: And I will remember my Covenant with Yaakov, and even myCovenant with Yitzchak, and even my Covenant with Avraham will Iremember, and the Land I will remember. Towards the end of the section known as “the Tochacha”...