Overcoming Hardships

Dvar Torah by Rabbi Michael Altonaga Does it feel impossible to live life right now? Nothing is the way it used to be.  The way you work, go to school, and even how you go shopping is a more difficult experience now.  By simply going out in public, you may be risking...

Lentil Stew and You

D’var Torah by Rabbi Kasriel Gewirtzman Esav and Jacob were twin brothers. Esav spent his days hunting in the fields andhis brother Jacob spent his time studying and learning. One day, Jacob was makinga lentil stew when his brother Esav came in from a long day of...

Filling the Void

D’var Torah by Rabbi Zischa Shaps Last weekend, we lost 2 Giants in the Jewish world, Rabbi Dovid Feinstein andRabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. This week’s Torah reading begins with the passing of another giant, Avraham’s wifeSarah. The majority of the Parsha...

The Benefit of Being Wrong

D’var Torah by Rabbi Zischa Shaps Our refrigerator is covered with pictures, cute sayings and a few select comic strips. One ofthem is a Dilbert comic where “the boss” is insisting that Tina has children despite herclearly letting him know she does not. Finally she...

Music to Our Ears

D’var Torah by Rabbi Kasriel Gewirtzman “And now write for yourselves this song,and teach it to the Children of Israel, place it in their mouth,so that this song will be for Me a witness for the Children of Israel.”Devarim, 31:19 In this verse, God instructs each...

Hearing the Message

D’var Torah by Rabbi Zischa Shaps This Rosh Hashanah will clearly be different than any other we have experienced. For thoseof us who do go to shul, it will be a shorter service with many less people in attendance.Some will choose to only attend an outdoor service and...