True Gratitude

We are called Jews as in Yehudi, from Yehudah. Historically, after the exile of the ten tribes, the overwhelming majority of Israelites were from the tribe of Yehudah and we became known as Yehudim. The Talmud teaches that there are three character traits of the...

Looking Forward to Shabbos

This Shabbos, thousands of Jews across the world are coming together to celebrate a special Shabbos known as the Shabbos (or Shabbat) Project. While every Shabbos is special, this weekend has been promoted and hyped in cities across the world to encourage those...

A Work in Progress

We have all heard the expression “he/she is a work in progress”. Usually it is referring to someone who is somewhat rambunctious or not meeting your expectations. But the truth of the matter is that we are all a work in progress. This week we begin a new cycle of the...