by Rabbi Shaps | Jun 30, 2022 | Korach, Rabbi Zischa Shaps, Weekly Parsha
The story is told of a man whose five year old son was constantly interrupting him as he read the newspaper. Finally, in desperation, he tore off a page of a magazine with a world map and ripped it into small pieces, telling his son not to come back until he had...
by Rabbi Shaps | Feb 4, 2022 | Rabbi Zischa Shaps, Terumah, Weekly Parsha
They say it is the thought that counts. Generally, we understand this to mean that I had good intentions even though things didn’t work out as planned so don’t hold it against me that something negative happened to you. I meant well. In this week’s Torah reading...
by Rabbi Shaps | Jan 13, 2022 | Rabbi Zischa Shaps, Tu B'Shvat, Weekly Parsha
In Dedication to Rabbi Yehuda Simes Thursday was the 5th yahrzeit of our beloved friend and teacher Rabbi Yehuda Simes. It brought to mind a thought I said at the dedication ceremony for the Torah that is in his memory. I recalled that Yehuda was a man with a positive...
by Rabbi Shaps | Dec 23, 2021 | Rabbi Zischa Shaps, Weekly Parsha
(On August 30, 1973, the New York Mets were in last place. Responding to the rally cry of Ya Gotta Believe of pitcher Tug McGraw, the Mets took over first place three weeks later.) Studies show that faith and prayer can have a significant impact on a patient’s ability...
by Rabbi Shaps | Dec 2, 2021 | Rabbi Zischa Shaps, Weekly Parsha
They say you only get one chance to make a first impression. You also only get one chance to create a first impression about somebody else. This week’s Parsha, Mikeitz, begins with Pharaoh having two dreams. When he is not satisfied with any of the interpretations...