The Power of Regret

Heard about a good political scandal lately? Unfortunately, there is no shortage ofexamples. If we look at many of these situations, I would suggest that in most cases, ifthe individual had come out right away on his own and said “I was wrong”, the scandalwould have...

Inside and Outside

Many years ago, when my wife, Lauren ran NCSY Ottawa, I recall going to programs and hearing a particular cheer. When someone would get up to speak, the kids would say “You look so beautiful, as usual, inside and outside, especially...

Keeping it Fresh

By my count, I have said the weekday Shemoneh Esrei prayer more than 45,000 times. That is FORTY FIVE THOUSAND TIMES. I know it by heart and can recite this very long prayer without paying attention. Therein lies the problem. I should be concentrating on the words and...