Being Different

Every day of creation, Hashem says “it was good,” except for one… On the second day, there is no mention of it being good. Why not? Rabbi Hanina said: Because on that day discord entered the world, as it says “And God said, Let there be a firmament...

The Eternal Sukkah

Moishe is driving in Jerusalem. He’s late for a meeting and looking for a parking space but can’t find one. In desperation, he turns his face upwards and says, “Lord, if you find me a parking space, I promise that I’ll eat...

Choose Life

In this week’s Torah portion, it says: …I have placed life and death before you, blessing and curse, and you should choose life, so that you will live… Devarim 30:19 What kind of commandment is that? Would we have thought that death was the better option? Why...