Parallel Goats

There is a Marvel superhero called Dr. Strange who tends to visit “parallel universes.”   Some of these places are completely alien to us and the differences between them are vast.  Yet, through his travels, it comes to light that many of those universes exist as they...

The Talk

“Aba (Dad),” my son asked me, “how will I become an aba?” The question has many forms, but any one brings sweat to the brow of parents everywhere. Fortunately for me, my mother had just gotten me the book “Stuff Every Dad Should Know.”  The book helpfully...

Words and Wind

You told him you’d go volunteer at the food bank together today, but you just don’t feel like going out anymore.  Does it really matter if you just don’t show up?  Just because you said it, doesn’t mean you have a real obligation to do it, right? Words are...

Stand Your Ground

In this week’s Torah portion, Korach leads a rebellion.  Although, in truth, Korach’s goal is power and prestige, he veils it within philosophical arguments and appeals to justice.  He creates an argument that echoes throughout the camp and brings many...