by Rabbi Altonaga | May 20, 2020 | Rabbi Kasriel Gewirtzman, Weekly Parsha
D’var Torah by Kasriel Gewritzman Vayikra, 26:42: And I will remember my Covenant with Yaakov, and even myCovenant with Yitzchak, and even my Covenant with Avraham will Iremember, and the Land I will remember. Towards the end of the section known as “the Tochacha”...
by Rabbi Altonaga | May 20, 2020 | Rabbi Zischa Shaps, Weekly Parsha
D’var Torah by Rabbi Zischa Shaps When the Torah was given to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai, Hashem did notemphasize some commandments as more important than others. Yet, the realityis that human nature places greater importance on some Mitzvot. We have atendency...