L’ilui Nishmas Avraham ben Chaim Reuven
By: Danielle Altonaga and Adam Miller

We are all familiar with the famous Chanukah story.
There was only enough oil to last for one day, yet it lasted for eight – the Chanukah Miracle!
But wait, why do we celebrate for 8 nights?
Technically, the oil only lasted 7 more days than it was supposed to…
So shouldn’t we only celebrate for 7 days? It seems that the first day wasn’t a miracle at all.
My brother, Adam, shared a deep insight from Rabbi Breitowitz:
The miracle was that we tried.
Sometimes, just finding the effort and the courage to try – that is a miracle.
Have you ever gone through a hard time, and you didn’t know how you would make it through? Somehow, with G-d’s help, you found the strength. And you came out on the other side.
The resilience and strength of the Jewish people is astounding. From leaving Egypt, to the Chanukah story, right up until the antisemitism we are facing today – in Canada and around the world -the strength of the Jewish people is truly miraculous.
This is represented by the Chanukah flames too – those mesmerizing lights defy gravity. They reach up, just like we have always risen up, just as we have persevered. We have overcome incredible adversity, and here we are, stronger than ever before.
Sometimes, just finding the strength to try – that is a miracle.
When we try, and we are meant to succeed, G-d will help us the rest of the way.
Those 8 lights remind us to try, and that G-d is with us in our efforts.
Shabbat Shalom and Chanukah Sameach,
Danielle Altonaga and the JET Team