You are a star! When we want to compliment someone and tell them they are great, we refer to them as a star. We use the term star to refer to someone who excels at something and is special. What is it about a star that stands out?

A view of the bright star cluster NGC 3532 from La Silla Observatory in Chili

One special quality of a star is indicated in this week’s Torah reading, Parshat Lech Lecha. The Torah compares the Jewish people to stars. Hashem promises Avraham that his descendants will be like the stars. He takes Avraham outside and says to him “Look, now,⁠ toward the sky, and count the stars, if you are able to count them” and He said to Avram, “So your offspring will be.” (Bereishis 15:5) The Baal Shem Tov explains that Hashem is telling Avraham that when we look at the stars from a great distance, they appear small, yet in reality they are gigantic. So too, many people appear very small, but in reality they have greatness.

When we look at another person, we should view them as a star. Even if on the surface they appear small and we don’t immediately see their unique qualities, we should realize that each person has great potential. The closer we get, the more we realize the special qualities of an individual and the bigger they seem to us.  Additionally, we can help people grow into their potential. When we view people as potential stars, we will treat them with greater respect and in turn they will gain greater respect for themselves. This can give the person the encouragement needed to achieve their potential greatness. Making a person feel like a star can turn them into a star.

Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Shaps and the JET Team