Are you more or less in favour of your leaders after the events of 2020?

During the Corana Virus outbreak and subsequent quarantine many world leaders have enjoyed a significant increase in their popularity, while others have seen a noticeable decline.  Times of crisis put a spotlight on our leaders and gives us a show of what they are really made of.  What is it that makes a great leader?

There are several characters who step up to the plate of leadership in this section of the Torah, and in the end, God determines which one of them will be the next leader of the Jewish people.

Deciding who to vote for can be like this sometimes.

The Midianites were trying to disrupt the purity of the Jewish people and sent their women to seduce the Israelites and convince them to worship Baal Peor (an idol whose service was  defecating on it).  Many people were entrapped by this scheme and began to get quite into it, but were still embarrassed to serve Baal Peor in the open.  Zimri ben Salu took a leadership role and did it in the open in front of the whole nation.  He figured, if something is popular, why should we hide it?  We should be free to do whatever we please.

I thought it was unbelievable that some people would pray with their excrement. Then again, a lot of people in our time are into some pretty weird… stuff too.

Pinchas ben Elazar also took a leadership role.  He stood up and killed Zimri ben Salu in the middle of his public display.  He felt that Zimri was acting against the will of God and that something had to be done immediately to stop him.  Before it could even get off the ground, Pinchas put an end to Zimri’s movement. 

Which is the superior leadership style?  Following the will of the people or zealously doing what you feel is right?

Interestingly enough, God didn’t take either of these characters to be the next leader. 

While following the will of the people can be good, frequently people don’t know what is best for themselves in the long term.  People are also rarely homogeneous, and what is popular for one group may be to the detriment of another less outspoken group.  A wise leader directs the enthusiasm of his people to goals that are actually for the greatest good rather than just bowing to the public’s every whim.

I mean, Zimri was dead, so that might be another reason he wasn’t chosen.

On the flip side, while having strong principles and being dedicated to your cause are good traits, ignoring the opinions of all others is not.  Had Pinchas asked the Elders if he should slay Zimri, they would have told him not to.  A wise leader consults with those more experienced than he.  He hesitates to act to rashly or trample over others. 

So who was chosen as Moses’ replacement?  Joshua ben Nun, who showed up early to the study hall so he could set up chairs for others.  Not exciting.  Not splashy.  He wasn’t vying for everyone’s attention on TV or getting involved in mudslinging.  Joshua worked behind the scenes to do things that needed to get done. 

I may have mislead you earlier by inferring that the leaders who gained the most popularity were the best.  We often don’t know who the best leaders really are until decades after they leave office.  Who is doing what needs to get done even when it isn’t making headlines?  Who is working quietly behind the scenes for the best interests of all?