D’var Torah by Rabbi Zischa Shaps

When the Torah was given to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai, Hashem did not
emphasize some commandments as more important than others. Yet, the reality
is that human nature places greater importance on some Mitzvot. We have a
tendency to think “this is a big one” and some others are treated lightly or
completely ignored. If one were asked to list the most important Mitzvot, it is very
likely that the laws of Kosher, and especially the prohibition of eating pig would
be high up on the list. Where would we place the importance of our words?

The second half of last week’s Torah reading dealt extensively with the laws of
which animals we are not permitted to eat. This week we read the double Parsha
of Tazria- Metzorah which mostly deals with the laws of Tzaraat, an affliction that
is associated with one who speaks Loshon Hara – negative speech. Rabbi Yisroel
Salanter points out that the juxtaposition of these two parshas is to teach us to
treat what comes out of our mouths with the same importance that we treat
what goes into our mouths.

During this time between Pesach and Shavuot, we observe various customs of
mourning in commemoration of the students of Rabbi Akiva who died during this
period. The Talmud tells us that this tragedy occurred because they did not
accord each other the proper honor.

And this year we are experiencing the challenges of Covid-19 and we are required
to social isolate. This is somewhat reminiscent of the person who was afflicted
with Tzaraat who was required to be isolated from everyone else outside of the
community. His improper speech caused him to be separated from the
community. The Temple was destroyed because of baseless hatred, and will not
be rebuilt until we are able to create unity and caring amongst ourselves. How we
treat each other and what we say about others is the difference between exile
and redemption. May we continue to be careful with what we put into our
mouths. And let us make an extra effort to be even more careful with the words
coming out of our mouths!